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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Ajwain Benefits in Urdu Carom Seeds Beauty Info Korner

  • Wednesday, October 14, 2015
  • Iqra Naveed
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  • Health benefits of ajwain seeds bishop weeds benefits carom seeds: ajwain seeds have numerous benefits and the most important among them are:
    2. colic remedy for infants: ajwain seeds are believed to relieve colic in babies and also improve digestion and appetite dry ajwain seeds are powdered and soaked in milk then the liquid is filtered and fed to the.. to support babies in proper digestion. Any colicky pain due to gas formation, indigestion or infection in the intestines can easily be relieved by taking a teaspoon of ajwain with 2-3 pinches of common salt in warm water.
    3. fast relief from the cold. For fast relief of common cold and migraine, tie in ajwain powder in a thin cloth and smell often can help prevent nasal congestion during sleep, place near the pillow for better benefits. a mixture of brown sugar is heated and ajwain and make a paste. Take 2 teaspoons of this paste twice a day. This helps to make the mucus easier and relieve chronic bronchitis and asthma in large measure. Chew ajwain seeds and immediately grab a cup of hot water to cure coughs.
    1. Digestive aid. Traditionally, ajwain is popular for improving digestion is an effective remedy for abdominal pain due to indigestion is also used as a digestive mixture for the treatment of large animals to cure diarrhea,.. dysentery and other symptoms of indigestion, boil a cup of water with a tablespoon of ajwain seeds and allow water to cool and then drink. This drink herbal cure all ailments from indigestion. You can also chew Raw ajwain seeds with little sugar to aid in proper digestion. Relieves spasmodic pains of the stomach and intestines.


    1 Responses to “Ajwain Benefits in Urdu Carom Seeds Beauty Info Korner”

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