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Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Foods for Healthy Skin

  • Tuesday, September 29, 2015
  • Iqra Naveed
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  • Food. It's the giver of life, the bread to your literal butter. You need it. But just in the same way that certain foods can ruin your figure, some foods will ruin your skin -- and, conversely, adopting a healthy skin diet can make all the difference in the world.

    Skip to see the 9 best and worst foods for healthy skin now

    Turns out it's most likely what's on your plate that dictates how healthy your skin is, how young you look, and whether or not you have acne. 

    Sure genetics and other lifestyle and environmental factors play a part (ahem, the sun), but you'd be hard-pressed to find any esthetician, nutritionist or dermatologist that wouldn't consider food a major factor in deciding whether you have a clear, youthful-looking complexion. 
    Basically, whether you like it or not, what you feed your body dictates whether you havehealthy skin or "problem" skin, so it's time to watch what you eat. Being food-conscious is officially not just important for helping you fit into your jeans. 

    There are proven ingredients that clear up even the worst of problem skin and ones that can help prevent your cells from aging prematurely. 

    To find out which foods do the most good and which wreak havoc on that face of yours, we went to Sinead Norenius, skin care esthetician and founder of the skin care lineBeautisol. She gave us the rundown on what to load up on for healthy skin and what to skip. With the right foods, you can stop looking for the fountain of youth in a fancy face cream or cleanser and instead finally start to put the items that will really help in your grocery basket. 

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